Welcome to cliff538.com, I’m glad you’re here.

The scaffolding is up, and the orange cones are out. We are fully under construction (well, aren’t we all. It’s a process… even at 55+ years old, I’m still under construction). Lots of changes coming as I figure out this Hugo blog generator and dust off some ancient HTML and CSS skills. This is my main landing page and a small blog for everyday stuff (I think, maybe just a landing page. Keep it simple, Cliff…), along with my micro.blog. The primary blogging will be done over at Exposed To Want.

I just don’t know about design yet and how this is going to work, but that’s half the fun, figuring all this stuff out!

My life quote right now is attributed to Rene Descartes:

“You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing" 

Find me across the interwebs at these locations:

My primary blogging is done at: Exposed To Want

You can find my Photo Stories at: Exposure

Take a look around my Flickr and check out my photography

My Micro.blog is here

Finally, GitHub